Kosakata TOEFL: Disaster

Ini adalah daftar 10 kosakata TOEFL yang perlu kamu ketahui di bidang disaster (makanan dan pangan).

Pada akhir artikel ini, kamu dapat melatih kosakata ini dengan mengerjakan quiz.

Sebelum mengerjakan quiz, pastikan kamu hafal dan pahami terlebih dahulu makna setiap kelimat melaui contoh yang kami berikan.

Untuk tautan daftar seluruh kata, lihat daftar kosakata wajib TOEFL

Kosakata Target

  1. anticipate
  2. catastrophic
  3. collide
  4. eruption
  5. famine
  6. flood
  7. impact
  8. persevere
  9. plunge
  10. unleash
  11. unleash

Definisi dan Contoh Kalimat

1. anticipate (verb)

English Meaning:
To expect; to sense something before it happens

Arti Indonesia:

Parts of speech
anticipation noun
anticipatory adjective

Contoh Kalimat:
By placing sensors in earthquake-prone areas, scientists can anticipate some tremors in time to warn the public.

Terjemahan Indonesia:
Dengan menempatkan sensor di daerah rawan gempa, para ilmuwan dapat mengantisipasi beberapa getaran lebih awal untuk memperingatkan masyarakat.

2. catastrophic (adjective)

English Meaning:
Extremely harmful; causing financial or physical ruin

Arti Indonesia:

Parts of speech
catastrophe (noun)
catastrophically (adverb)

Contoh Kalimat:
The architect died in a catastrophic elevator accident.

Terjemahan Indonesia:
Arsitek meninggal dalam bencana kecelakaan lift .

3. collide (verb)

English meaning:
To come together with great or violent force

Arti Indonesia:
Bertubrukan, betabrakan, beradu

Parts of speech
collision (noun)

Contoh Kalimat:
As usual, their holiday was ruined when their in-laws’ views on politics collided with their own.

Terjemahan Indonesia:
Seperti biasa, liburan mereka rusak ketika pandangan mertua mereka tentang politik bertabrakan dengan pandangan mereka.

4. eruption (noun)

English meaning:
A sudden, often violent, outburst

Arti Indonesia:

Parts of speech
erupt verb

Contoh Kalimat:
The eruption of Mount St. Helens in 1980 caused 57 deaths and immeasurable changes to the face of the mountain.

Terjemahan Indonesia:
Letusan Gunung St. Helens pada tahun 1980 menyebabkan 57 kematian dan perubahan besar pada wajah gunung.

5. famine (noun)

English meaning:
Severe hunger; a drastic food shortage

Arti Indonesia:

Parts of speech

Contoh Kalimat:
The potato famine in Ireland in the mid-nineteenth century caused large numbers of Irish people to emigrate to America.

Terjemahan Indonesia:
Kelaparan kentang di Irlandia pada pertengahan abad kesembilan belas menyebabkan sejumlah besar orang Irlandia beremigrasi ke Amerika.

6. flood (noun)

English meaning:
An overflowing of water; an excessive amount

Arti Indonesia:

Parts of speech
flood (verb)

Contoh Kalimat:
The constant rain and poor drainage system caused a flood in town.
The political party sent out a flood of letters criticizing their opponents.

Terjemahan Indonesia:
Hujan terus-menerus dan sistem drainase yang buruk menyebabkan banjir di kota.
Partai politik mengirimkan banyak surat yang mengkritik lawan-lawannya.

7. impact (noun)

English meaning:
A strong influence

Arti Indonesia:
Dampak, akibat

Parts of speech
impact (verb)

Contoh Kalimat:
The speech about the importance of education made an impact on me.

Terjemahan Indonesia:
Pidato tentang pentingnya pendidikan memberi dampak bagi saya.

8. persevere (noun)

English meaning:
To keep going, despite obstacles or discouragement; to maintain a purpose

Arti Indonesia:
Dampak, akibat

Parts of speech
persist (verb)
persistent (adjective)

Contoh Kalimat:
The hikers persevered despite the bad weather and the icy trail.

Terjemahan Indonesia:
Para pejalan kaki bertahan meskipun cuaca buruk dan jalan setapak yang tertutup es.

9. plunge (noun)

English meaning:
To keep going, despite obstacles or discouragement; to maintain a purpose

Arti Indonesia:
Jatuh, terjun

Parts of speech
persist (verb)
persistent (adjective)

Contoh Kalimat:
He jumped off the diving board and plunged into the pool.
The value of the company’s stock plunged after its chief executive was arrested.

Terjemahan Indonesia:
Dia melompat dari papan loncat dan terjun ke kolam.
Nilai saham perusahaan jatuh setelah kepala eksekutifnya ditangkap.

10. unleash (noun)

English meaning:
To release a thing or an emotion

Arti Indonesia:

Parts of speech

Contoh Kalimat:
When they saw the strange man on their property, they unleashed their dogs.
He is from such an unemotional family, he will never learn to unleash his feelings.

Terjemahan Indonesia:
Ketika mereka melihat pria asing di properti mereka, mereka melepaskan anjing mereka.
Dia berasal dari keluarga yang tidak emosional, dia tidak akan pernah belajar melepaskan perasaannya.

Kosakata TOEFL Disaster dalam teks

Nature challenges humans in many ways, through disease, weather, and famine. For those living along the coast, one unusual phenomenon capable of catastrophic destruction is the tsunami (pronounced “tsoo-NAH-mee”). A tsunami is a series of waves generated in a body of water by an impulsive disturbance. Earthquakes, landslides, volcanic eruptions, explosions, and even the impact of meteorites can generate tsunamis.

Starting at sea, a tsunami slowly approaches land, growing in height and losing energy through bottom friction and turbulence. Still, just like any other water waves, tsunamis unleash tremendous energy as they plunge onto the shore. They have great erosion potential, stripping beaches of sand, undermining trees, and flooding hundreds of meters inland.

They can easily crush cars, homes, vegetation, and anything they collide with. To minimize the devastation of a tsunami, scientists are constantly trying to anticipate them more accurately and more quickly. Because many factors come together to produce a life-threatening tsunami, foreseeing them is not easy. Despite this, researchers in meteorology persevere in studying and predicting tsunami behavior.

Kosakata tambahan

coast : pantai
generated: menghasilkan
disturbence: gangguan
landslide: tanah longsor
explosion: ;ledakan
approaches: mendekati
friction: gesekan
tremendous: luar biasa
shore: tepi pantai
stripping: menghancurkan
undermining: menebas
inland: daratan
crush: menghancurkan
devastation: kerusakan, kehancuran
life-threatening: membahayakan hidup
forseeing: memprediksi

Quiz Kosakata TOEFL Disaster (12 soal)

Pastikan kamu sudah memahami dan menghafal kosakata di atas sebelum mengambil latihan.

In the first sentence, why does the author mention weather?

Jawaban untuk soal ini merujuk pada teks tentang Disaster di atas.

Residents of Hawaii must accept the possibility of a volcanic ________ .

Lengkapi kalimat di atas dengan salah satu kalimat berikut ini:

Years after the accident, she was finally able to ________ her feelings of anger.

Many people think it is cruel to ________ live lobsters into boiling water.

Houses along the river often face ________ during the rainy season.

A well-written essay should make some kind of ________ on its readers.

Lawan kata dari peresvere adalah:

Note: pilih LAWAN kata buka SINONIM.

Lawan kata dari anticipate adalah:

Lawan kata dari famine adalah:

Lawan kata dari collide adalah:

Lawan kata dari catastrophic adalah:


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