Ini adalah daftar 10 kosakata TOEFL yang perlu kamu ketahui di bidang Petroleum Alternatives (alternatif minyak bumi).
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Untuk tautan daftar seluruh kata, lihat daftar kosakata wajib TOEFL
Kosakata Target
- constraint
- contamination
- deplete
- dispose of
- elementally
- emission
- extinction
- reservoir
- shrink
- stable
Definisi dan Contoh Kalimat
1. constraint (adjective)
English Meaning:
Something that restricts thought or action
Arti Indonesia:
kendala, ketidakleluasaan
Parts of speech
constrain verb
Contoh Kalimat:
The constraints of military life kept Eileen from seeing Private Morris more than once a month.
Terjemahan Indonesia:
Ketidakleluasaan kehidupan militer membuat Eileen tidak bertemu Prajurit Morris lebih dari sekali sebulan.
2. contamination (noun)
English Meaning:
being made less clean by a germ or hazardous substance
Arti Indonesia:
Parts of speech
contaminate verb
contaminant noun
Contoh Kalimat:
The contamination in the river came from the factory located just upstream.
Terjemahan Indonesia:
Pencemaran di sungai berasal dari pabrik yang terletak di hulu.
3. deplete (verb)
English meaning:
To greatly decrease the supply of a resource or material
Arti Indonesia:
Parts of speech
depletion n
Contoh Kalimat:
The prolonged war depleted the country’s national treasury.
Terjemahan Indonesia:
Perang yang berkepanjangan menghabiskan perbendaharaan negara.
4. dispose of (verb)
English meaning:
To throw away; to get rid of; to kill
Arti Indonesia:
Parts of speech
disposal noun
disposable adjective
Contoh Kalimat:
She disposed of her unwanted possessions before moving.
The tyrant cruelly disposed of all his enemies.
Terjemahan Indonesia:
Dia membuang barang-barang yang tidak diinginkannya sebelum pindah.
Sang tiran dengan kejam membuang semua musuhnya.
5. elementally (adverb)
English meaning:
In terms of elements; basically
Arti Indonesia:
pada dasarnya
Parts of speech
element noun
elemental adjective
Contoh Kalimat:
Elementally, coal and diamonds are the same.
Terjemahan Indonesia:
Pada dasarnya, batu bara dan berlian adalah sama.
6. emission (noun)
English meaning:
Sending out from a small space into the general environment; a substance discharged into the air
Arti Indonesia:
Parts of speech
emit verb
Contoh Kalimat:
The Environmental Protection Agency regulates the emission of pollutants into the air.
Terjemahan Indonesia:
Badan Perlindungan Lingkungan mengatur emisi polutan ke udara.
7. extinction (noun)
English meaning:
Complete disappearance; the end of existence
Arti Indonesia:
Parts of speech
extinct adjective
Contoh Kalimat:
Human beings have caused the extinction of many other species.
Terjemahan Indonesia:
Manusia telah menyebabkan kepunahan banyak spesies lain.
8. reservoir (noun)
English meaning:
A place where a liquid is collected and stored
Arti Indonesia:
waduk, tadah, kolam
Parts of speech
reservoir noun
Contoh Kalimat:
Cult members threatened to poison the town’s water reservoir.
Terjemahan Indonesia:
Anggota sekte mengancam akan meracuni waduk air kota.
9. shrink (verb)
English meaning:
To become reduced in size, amount, or value
Arti Indonesia:
Parts of speech
shrinkage noun
shrinkable adjective
Contoh Kalimat:
If you dry your clothing on the “high heat” setting, they may shrink.
Terjemahan Indonesia:
Jika kamu mengeringkan pakaian kamu pada pengaturan “panas tinggi”, pakaian tersebut dapat menyusut.
10. stable (adjective)
English meaning:
Firm and dependable; showing little change
Arti Indonesia:
Parts of speech
stability noun
stably adverb
Contoh Kalimat:
He fell because the ladder wasn’t stable.
Terjemahan Indonesia:
Dia jatuh karena tangganya tidak stabil.
Kosakata TOEFL Petroleum Alternatives dalam teks
Human consumption of fossil fuels is expected to fully deplete the Earth’s crude oil reserves by the year 2060. As underground reservoirs of oil continue to shrink, we have no choice but to find alternatives. One promising source, with much cleaner emissions, is called bio-diesel.
Biodiesel is often made from soybean oil, although it can be made from any vegetable oil that is not elementally different from soy. Bio-diesel can even be made from used cooking oils that homes or restaurants would otherwise dispose of. Bio-diesel can be used without constraint in any vehicle that runs on diesel—no modifications are needed.
Presently, diesel engines can take up to 20 percent soy in their soy-diesel blend. As the need for bio-diesel increases and the technology improves, we may soon witness the extinction of fossil-fueled vehicles. This is good news for the planet, as bio-diesel is a more stable source of energy than petroleum, and it reduces contamination of our air and water.
Kosakata tambahan
fossil fuels