Ini adalah daftar 10 kosakata TOEFL yang perlu kamu ketahui di bidang Ancient Life (kehidupan kuno).
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Untuk tautan daftar seluruh kata, lihat daftar kosakata wajib TOEFL
Kosakata Target
- accuracy
- adjacent
- compress
- feasibly
- gut
- ntegrally
- overlap
- retain
- seep
- structure
Definisi dan Contoh Kalimat
1. accuracy (noun)
English Meaning:
Precision; exactness
Arti Indonesia:
akurasi, keakuratan
Parts of speech
accurate adj
accurately adv
Contoh Kalimat:
The research department checks all our articles for the accuracy of facts before we print them.
Terjemahan Indonesia:
Departemen penelitian memeriksa semua artikel kami untuk keakuratan fakta sebelum kami mencetaknya.
2. adjacent (adjective)
English Meaning:
Next to, close to
Arti Indonesia:
Parts of speech
adjacency n
Contoh Kalimat:
Even though the villages are adjacent to each other, their residents speak different languages.
Terjemahan Indonesia:
Meskipun desa-desa yang berdekatan satu sama lain, penduduk mereka berbicara bahasa yang berbeda.
3. compress (verb)
English meaning:
To press together
Arti Indonesia:
Parts of speech
denominate v
compression n
compressed adj
Contoh Kalimat:
To make the foundation stronger, they compressed the soil before pouring the concrete.
Terjemahan Indonesia:
Untuk memperkuat fondasi, mereka menekan tanah sebelum menuangkan beton.
4. feasibly (adverb)
English meaning:
Practically; in a way that can work
Arti Indonesia:
secara layak
Parts of speech
feasibility n
feasible adj
Contoh Kalimat:
Scientists can’t feasibly bring energy from deep ocean currents to where it is needed—on land.
Terjemahan Indonesia:
Para ilmuwan tidak dapat secara layak membawa energi dari arus laut dalam ke tempat yang membutuhkannya—di darat.
5. gut (verb)
English meaning:
To empty or hollow out
Arti Indonesia:
mengosongkan, perut
Parts of speech
gut n
gutted adj
Contoh Kalimat:
In order to remodel the house, we must first gut it and throw away all the old fixtures.
Terjemahan Indonesia:
Untuk merombak rumah, pertama-tama kita harus mengosongkan dan membuang semua perlengkapan lama.
6. integrally (adverb)
English meaning:
In a whole or complete manner
Arti Indonesia:
integral, menyeluruh
Parts of speech
integrate v
integrity n
integral n
integral adj
Contoh Kalimat:
Writing and spelling are taught integrally as part of the reading program.
Terjemahan Indonesia:
Menulis dan mengeja diajarkan secara integral sebagai bagian dari program membaca.
7. overlap (verb)
English meaning:
To lie over part of something; to have elements in common
Arti Indonesia:
tumpang tindih
Parts of speech
overlap n
Contoh Kalimat:
One of the two assistants will likely get fired, since most of their duties in the office overlap.
Terjemahan Indonesia:
Salah satu dari dua asisten kemungkinan akan dipecat, karena sebagian besar tugas mereka di kantor tumpang tindih.
8. retain (verb)
English meaning:
To keep or hold
Arti Indonesia:
menampung, menahan
Parts of speech
retainer n
retention n
Contoh Kalimat:
The rain fell so heavily that the banks of the river could not retain all the water.
Terjemahan Indonesia:
Hujan turun begitu deras sehingga tepian sungai tidak bisa menampung semua air.
9. seep (verb)
English meaning:
To pass slowly for a long time, as a liquid or gas might
Arti Indonesia:
merembes, menyerap
Parts of speech
rate v
rating n
Contoh Kalimat:
As the containers rusted, the toxic waste seeped into the ground.
Terjemahan Indonesia:
Saat wadah berkarat, limbah beracun merembes ke tanah.
10. structure (noun)
English meaning:
Something constructed, such as a building
Arti Indonesia:
Parts of speech
structure v
structural adj
structurally ad
Contoh Kalimat:
Most companies have a social structure that can’t be understood by outsiders.
Terjemahan Indonesia:
Sebagian besar perusahaan memiliki struktur sosial yang tidak dapat dipahami oleh orang luar.
Kosakata dalam teks
Organic products from ancient life are an integral part of the Earth’s resources, offering scientists a more accurate picture of ancient life-forms. One key to ancient life comes in the form of petrified matter. Petrifaction is a process that slowly turns the remains of a living object into stone. In this process, minerals seep into a mass of organic matter. After the organic matter has been replaced, a mineral version of the living object is left. Petrifaction often occurs in trees that are found adjacent to rivers, floodable areas, and volcanoes, which provide the mud or ash that initially covers the organic matter. Some pieces of petrified wood retain the original cellular structure of the wood and the grain can be easily seen. Today, it is feasible to petrify wood in a simple laboratory process.
Fossils are another way that ancient life is preserved. Most fossils include an animal’s hard parts, such as teeth and bones. One type of fossil, called a trace fossil, may also include eggs, tooth marks, contents of the guts, and fossil excrement. Some products from ancient life offer us more than scientific knowledge. One such product is coal, a solid fuel of plant origin. It develops over millions of years, during which swamp vegetation is submerged in water, depleted of oxygen, and covered by layers and layers of sand and mud. These overlapping layers settle with the Earth’s movements and are compressed over time.
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