Kosakata TOEFL: Evolution dan Migration

Ini adalah daftar 10 kosakata TOEFL yang perlu kamu ketahui di bidang evolution and migration (evolusi dan migrasi).

Pada akhir artikel ini, kamu dapat melatih kosakata ini dengan mengerjakan quiz.

Sebelum mengerjakan quiz, pastikan kamu hafal dan pahami terlebih dahulu makna setiap kelimat melaui contoh yang kami berikan.

Untuk tautan daftar seluruh kata, lihat daftar kosakata wajib TOEFL

Kosakata Target

  1. adapt
  2. diverse
  3. evolve
  4. feature
  5. generation
  6. inherent
  7. migration
  8. physical
  9. process
  10. survive

Definisi dan Contoh Kalimat

1. adapt (verb)

English Meaning:
To adjust to the circumstances; to make suitable

Arti Indonesia:

Parts of speech
adaptation noun
adapter noun
adaptable adjective

Contoh Kalimat:
Dinosaurs could not adapt to the warmer temperatures.
The teacher adapted the exercises for his more advanced students

Terjemahan Indonesia:
Dinosaurus tidak bisa beradaptasi dengan suhu yang lebih hangat.
Guru mengadaptasi latihan untuk siswa yang lebih mahir

2. diverse (adjective)

English Meaning:
showing a lot of differences within a group

Arti Indonesia:

Parts of speech
diversify verb
diversity noun
diversification noun

Contoh Kalimat:
India is one of the most linguistically diverse countries in the world

Terjemahan Indonesia:
India adalah salah satu negara yang paling beragam bahasanya di dunia.

3. evolve (verb)

English meaning:
To develop; to come forth

Arti Indonesia:
Berkembang, bervolusi

Parts of speech
evolution noun
evolutionist noun

Contoh Kalimat:
Modern-day sharks evolved from their ancestor Eryops, which lived more than 200 million years ago.

Terjemahan Indonesia:
Hiu modern berevolusi dari nenek moyang mereka Eryops, yang hidup lebih dari 200 juta tahun yang lalu.

4. feature (noun)

English meaning:
Part, characteristic

Arti Indonesia:
ciri, sifat, corak

Parts of speech
feature verb

Contoh Kalimat:
The best feature of this car is its heated seats.

Terjemahan Indonesia:
Fitur terbaik dari mobil ini adalah kursi berpemanasnya.

5. generation (noun)

English meaning:
A group of people born at about the same time

Arti Indonesia:

Parts of speech
generational adj

Contoh Kalimat:
As older managers retired, a new generation of leaders took control of the company.

Terjemahan Indonesia:
Ketika manajer yang lebih tua pensiun, generasi pemimpin baru mengambil alih perusahaan.

6. inherent (adjective)

English meaning:
Naturally characteristic; always found within something, because it’s a basic part of that thing

Arti Indonesia:
Sifat yang melekat

Parts of speech
inherently adverb

Contoh Kalimat:
No job can be interesting all the time. Boredom is inherent in any kind of work.

Terjemahan Indonesia:
idak ada pekerjaan yang menarik sepanjang waktu. Kebosanan melekat dalam setiap jenis pekerjaan.

7. migration (noun)

English meaning:
Movement from one place to another by a group of people or animals

Arti Indonesia:

Parts of speech
migrate verb
migrant noun
migratory adjective

Contoh Kalimat:
The migration of farmworkers from one state to the next depends primarily on the harvest.

Terjemahan Indonesia:
Migrasi buruh tani dari satu negara bagian ke negara bagian lainnya terutama bergantung pada hasil panen.

8. physical (adj.)

English meaning:
Related to the body; related to materials that can be seen or felt

Arti Indonesia:
Fisik, jasmani

Parts of speech
physically adv.

Contoh Kalimat:
Because of the shape of its throat, an ape does not have the physical ability to speak.
The mountains form a physical barrier between the west and the east.

Terjemahan Indonesia:
Karena bentuk tenggorokannya, kera tidak memiliki kemampuan fisik untuk berbicara.
Pegunungan membentuk penghalang/batasan fisik antara barat dan timur.

9. process (noun)

English meaning:
A series of steps leading to a result

Arti Indonesia:

Parts of speech
proceed verb
process verb

Contoh Kalimat:
To get a good job, most people go through a long process of letter writing and interviews.

Terjemahan Indonesia:
Untuk mendapatkan pekerjaan yang baik, kebanyakan orang harus melalui proses panjang menulis surat dan wawancara.

10. survive (noun)

English meaning:
To continue living (despite some danger or illness)

Arti Indonesia:

Parts of speech
survivor noun
survival noun

Contoh Kalimat:
After getting lost in the mountains, Gordon survived by eating wild plants and catching fish.

Terjemahan Indonesia:
Setelah tersesat di pegunungan, Gordon bertahan hidup dengan memakan tumbuhan liar dan menangkap ikan.

Kosakata TOEFL Evolution & Migration dalam teks

The migration from Asia to North America across the Bering Strait (perhaps by land bridge) was a monumental event in human history. The process of overspreading the Americas took more than 1,000 years, or 30 generations.

This might seem to confirm common sense—that slow travel was inherent in any great migration without wheeled vehicles across unknown terrain. Further thought shows that this process was remarkably fast—about 10 north-south miles per year, on average.

The Americas were populated at an astounding pace, when one considers the physical limits of the human body and the physical features of the American continents. Legs of humans can move only so fast under the best of circumstances, and they work even slower over mountain passes or deserts.

Populations spread through the diverse regions of the Americas (grasslands, eastern forests, coastal swamps) and needed to adapt to their new environments. The migrants’ lifestyle had evolved over the years to that of professional nomads ensuring that they would find the resources needed to survive.

Kosakata tambahan

common sense
wheeled vehicles


Quiz Kosakata TOEFL Evolution and Migration (12 soal)

Pastikan kamu sudah memahami dan menghafal kosakata di atas sebelum mengambil latihan.

Which sentence best expresses the essential information of this passage?

Jawaban untuk soal ini merujuk pada teks sebelumnya.

In the above passage, the word monumental is closest in meaning to

Jawaban untuk soal ini merujuk pada teks tentang Migration di atas.

(Various) languages are spoken on the Indian subcontinent.

Pilih kata yang maknanya mirip dengan kata dalam kurung di atas.

Making bread involves (a sequence of steps) that takes about three hours.

Pilih kata yang maknanya mirip dengan kata dalam kurung di atas.

Few sea turtles (manage to live through) their first year of life.

Pilih kata yang maknanya mirip dengan kata dalam kurung di atas.

This (age group) tends to support current educational policies.

Pilih kata yang maknanya mirip dengan kata dalam kurung di atas.

Her thinking about economics has (changed slowly) in the last several months.

Pilih kata yang maknanya mirip dengan kata dalam kurung di atas.

Lawan kata dari physical adalah:

Note: pilih LAWAN kata buka SINONIM.

Lawan kata dari migration adalah:

Note: pilih LAWAN kata buka SINONIM.

Lawan kata dari adapt adalah:

Note: pilih LAWAN kata buka SINONIM.

Lawan kata dari inherent adalah:

Note: pilih LAWAN kata buka SINONIM.

Lawan kata dari survive adalah:

Note: pilih LAWAN kata buka SINONIM.


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