TOEFL Quiz Structure 4

Ini adalah quiz kelas TOEFL Intensif di AcehLC.

Quiz ini dikerajakan setelah kamu mempelajari materi Paralel Sentence.

Jumlah soal untuk quiz ini adalah 7 soal dan dikerjakan dalam waktu maksimal 7 menit.

Berikut ini adalah soal TOEFL Quiz Structure 4 berdasarkan tes di atas

When she {retires} in September 1989, {tennis champion} Christine Evert was {the most} famous {woman athlete} in the United States.

{The} ancient Romans used vessels {equipped} with sails {and} banks of oars {to transporting} their armies.

Dinosaurs {are} traditionally classified as cold-blooded reptiles, {but} recent evidence based on eating habits, posture, and skeletal {structural} suggests some {may have been} warm-blooded.

Since the Great Depression of the 1930's, social {programs} such as Social Security have {been built} into the economy {to help} avert {severity} business declines.

The works of the {author} Herman Melville are {literary} creations of a high order, blending {fact}, fiction, adventure, and subtle {symbolic}.

{Cotton} is one of the {most popular} {fiber} used {to make} clothes.

The Armory Show, {held} in New York in 1913, was {a} important {exhibition} of {modern} European art.

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