Simulasi soal TOEFL Structure September 2, 2023 by AcehLC Admin TOEFL Structure Himasta Several {expedition} have attempted to {find} the {remains of} Noah’s ark {on} the slopes of Mount Arafat. expedition find remains of on {Those} homework that your teacher {assigned} is due {on Tuesday} unless you {have made} prior arrangement to turn in it late. Those assigned on Tuesday have made {It} is {the} dream of every {mountaineers} to climb the world’s {highest} peak. It the mountaineers highest Three species of {the} fruit {bat} have been found {to have} a primatelike visual {systems}. the bat to have systems Alzheimer’s disease afflicts two {in ten} {person} {over} {the age} of seventy in the United States. in ten person over the age View ResultsPlease provide your contact information to proceed.Email Address *First Name *Consent *Yes, I agree with the privacy policy and terms and conditions.Submit
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